Работа на круизных судах американской компании “Princess Cruises P&O” (cуда работают во всех регионах мира, включая Австралию).
Проводитcя набор обслуживающего персонала на следующие вакансии: стюарды, бармены, буфет-стюарды и их помощники, стюардессы, официанты и их помощники, горничные и их помощники,Youth Staff (работа с группами детей и туристов), повара и их помощники, пекари, повара-кондитеры, кондитеры (мужчины и женщины), фотографы, продавцы магазинов Duty Free, крупье, IT-специалисты, подсобные рабочие (склад, камбуз, пассажирские помещения, рестораны, бары). З/п от $600 до $3000
Приглашаются юноши и девушки до 30 лет. Английский разговорный обязателен!
Авиаперелет в обе стороны, проживание на судне, питание, медицинская страховка и униформа обеспечиваются круизной компанией. Предоплат нет!
Лицензия AБ № 348995 от 08/06/2006 г.
Справки по тел (057) 758-03-21, 8 050 944-30-09 Степан Степанович
Адрес: площадь Свободы, гост.“Харьков”, 2 корпус, 3 этаж, офис 303.
e-mail: cruiseline@rambler.ru
Бурьян Степан Степанович
Phone: +38 057 758-03-21
cell phone: +38 050 9443009
e-mail: cruiseline@rambler.ru
URL: http://marine-agency.narod.ru
Travel arrangements:
All employees will have their arrangements made for them to and from the ship.
Arrival on board:
Upon arriving at the ship you must report to the Crew or Chief Purser immediately. The Purser will instruct you about your cabin assignment, acquiring your uniform, name badge and crew pass.
Onboard safety training:
Shortly after signing on the vessel the Safety Officer will brief you on you exact role in the ship''s emergency plan. You will be given a Safety Card containing specific duties, in case of an emergency situation.
You are required to attend and participate in all mandatory emergency drills, safety training sessions, and any other training as determined by the company or the ship''s command.
Anyone refusing or failing to carry out his/her duties may be dismissed immediately!
Reporting accidents and unsafe conditions:
All shipboard accidents, near accidents, injuries, property damage, equipment failures and oil spills must be reported to your supervisor immediately. Report any leaks, poor contacts in electrical circuits, broken safety devices or any other condition, which may create an unsafe condition, to your supervisor. Report any fire, smoke or burning smell to the ridge immediately.
Medical care:
The ship''s doctor is always available to you. Treatment is provided at no charge to you with the exception of dental and optical treatment, and any pre-existing medical conditions.
Shipboard structure:
On board a ship there are three rankings: Officer, Staff, and Crew.
The highest-ranking officer on board is the Captain or Master. The Master has absolute command of the ship; it''s guests and crew. He has the ultimate decision making authority.
The four senior officers reporting directly to the Master and their areas of responsibility are as follows:
- Staff Captain - Deck Department
- Chief Engineer - Engine Department
- Hotel Manager - Hotel Department
- Chief Purser - Purser''s Department
The Staff category includes workers: Duty Free Shops, Beauty Salon, Casino, Photo Shop, Entertainment. Staff has the privilege of being allowed in specified public areas when off duty.
The Crew category includes workers: Bar, Housekeeping, Laundry, Deck-crew, Engine-crew, Dining Room, and Galley. These employees may not go in public areas while off duty. They may enjoy free time in crew areas.
Language on board:
English is the official language on board all our ships. In the presence of a guest English should always be spoken.
Multi cultural environment:
Employees come from all around the world. It is very important to work as team and respect cultural and individual differences.
Living quarters:
You will receive a cabin assignment upon your arrival on board. Depending on your position you may be required to share living quarters. You pack must be light, because the cabins have only a small wardrobe storage area.
You are responsible for cleaning your cabin and keeping it tidy. You cannot change your cabin without first obtaining permission.
Your cabin will be inspected once a week during Captain''s Inspection, and is expected to be in strict compliance with ship''s standards. The Staff Captain, Hotel Manager, Chief Housekeeper or Head of your Department may inspect cabins at any time on a day to day basis.
Going ashore:
Part of the benefits of being at sea is that you will be able to visit port of call. When off duty, you may proceed ashore. Always carry your identification card when departing the ship.
Drugs/Alcohol/Weapon/Intoxication policy:
It is strictly prohibited! A search of your cabin by port officials and onboard management may occur at any time without notice, and possession of illegal drugs or weapon will result in fines, dismissal and disembarkation at the next port of call.
Sexual harassment policy:
Crewmember shall not engage in sexual harassment of guests or crewmembers. Such action will result in immediate, and without notice dismissal. Any violation of this policy must be reported immediately to your Head of Department or to the Staff Captain.
Smoking is forbidden when on duty, during training drills, in bed, storeroom, galley, guest areas, and where otherwise specifically prohibited.
Guest cabin policy:
Entering a passenger (guest) cabin is strictly forbidden unless required in the performance of your duties.
Rules violations or misconduct leading to disciplinary action include:
Smoking on duty; sleeping while on duty; unauthorized use of public areas; discrimination by any employee against any guest or co-worker, based on race, nationality, religion or disability; repeated tardiness, absenteeism; inappropriate dress code and grooming standards; exhibiting a negative attitude, which interferes with your job performance or the performance of others, including disobedience and carelessness; violation of regulations concerning safety and emergency drills; violation of shore leave regulation; indecent language; violation of any other established ship regulation.
Rules of conduct, violation leading to dismissal:
Carrying or having possession of drugs, alcohol, firearms or any other weapons; cooking in the cabins or burning candles and any other open flame in cabins; theft of any property, keeping unreported found items; intoxication in any areas of the ship; entering any guest cabin or other prohibited areas without proper authorization; intimacy with a guest or offering sexual favours of any kind; dumping garbage overboard; harboring a stowaway or non-paying individual; inviting or allowing guests into crew areas or to attend private crew parties; fighting under any circumstance; sabotage of ship or guest property; smuggling of any goods; refusal to work; sexual harassment of any kind; accumulation of three written warnings.
Please do contact us if you have any questions!
Бурьян Степан Степанович
Phone: +38 057 758-03-21
cell phone: +38 050 9443009
E-mail: cruiseline@rambler.ru
URL: http://marine-agency.narod.ru